Monday, August 29, 2011

3 Months

My little cutie patootie is 3 months old. That sounds so big.. 12 weeks sounds smaller.

Here's a look at the past month:

Emmylou grabbed a toy for the first time on July 20th
She can make spit/milk bubbles
I've seen her do that thing I do with my mouth (how do I spell it out?) twice. I don't think she really realizes she can do it yet.
She can put herself to sleep.. who knows how long she's been able to do that, but recently we've been putting that skill to use. She takes naps in her crib, and sometimes sleeps in it at night. She usually wakes up around 4 or 5 AM, at which point I feed her and bring her to bed with Alan and me.
Emmylou absolutely loves her jumpers- Leelee and Papi have one, and Alan and I have one. Last week, she discovered how to really jump.
She's becoming very talkative- adding new coos and goos to her baby vocabulary every day.

I can hardly keep up with all her changes, but am trying to do a decent job of documenting. I have so many things to post, and will date them to keep track of when they actually happened.


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