Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012

It was just me and Emmylou for my birthday today. Mom and Yates are visiting the grandparents in Mississippi, Alan had work, and we had celebrated on Sunday anyway. After dropping Alan off, we went to Memorial Park for a little walk/jog. Then, we packed a picnic and headed to the park.
Lingonberry sandwiches, cornbread, and sliced strawberries.

After playing on the hill and blowing some bubbles, we joined another little girl on the swings. She's 10 months, and lives down the street from us. Perhaps we'll meet again! It was just the kind of day we needed- no rush to get things done, just taking it easy.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Funday Sunday

Sunday was sunny and warm, so Leela, Alan, Emmylou, and I went to the Bayou Bend Family Day, featuring All Creatures Great and Small. That evening, we went out to dinner to celebrate my birthday a few days early. Mom and dad got me a Canon Rebel T3, and Alan did a gorgeous watercolor painting for me. Hopefully an abundance of photos on the blog will make up for my not being the best writer.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Almost 9 Months/ Radiation Update (sort of)

Emmylou, you are 10 days away from being 9 months old! Last week we celebrated Shane's first birthday at Leela and Papi's house. It seems that everyone has noticed your BIG personality. You're very vocal- you love to scream and figure out new sounds to make. It's so funny to hear you scream and try to run away from Leela when she's "coming to get youuuu!". You still drink from a bottle, but you like to drink from a small cup. Sippy cups aren't your thing.

After speaking with the doctor this month, it seems like I may be able to forgo the radiation. Unfortunately, he's being vague as usual about his plans for me, so I am considering getting a second (maybe even third) opinion, or at least trying to get an in-office appointment with him so we can discuss things. I am trying not to get excited too soon about the prospect of being able to continue nursing.

Fingers Crossed,