Friday, March 25, 2011

we've come a long way, baby

30 weeks and 2 days already! time started flying once i was over the morning sickness. 10 short weeks until i get to meet the little girl who already takes my breath away, physically and mentally.

we will be moving in just a few weeks. i've gone crazy doing as much space planning as possible, with mom's help of course. i want to surprise alan by having all of our things unpacked and ready the day we move in. and emmylou, your room is coming together already. your crib got its final coat of yellow paint today, a kartell gnome sidetable is on its way, and your dresser is being refinished. there are still so many things to be done, but a list has been made and things WILL get crossed off!

in other news, we've found a new ob/gyn. i had my first appointment two weeks ago, and am feeling so much better. unfortunately, alan wasn't able to come to the appointment, but mom came along and also felt better about the new doctor. our next appointment is on monday, and alan will be there. we started lamaze on the 14th. from the two classes we've been to, here's how we're enjoying it so far:
the class is from 7-9:30. that's a long class, but we'd be okay with that if we were learning lots during that time. so far, that hasn't been the case. people love telling stories of their lives in extreme detail, and it ends up taking more than an hour of classtime. perhaps i'm judging too quickly, there have only been two classes. and the first class was about baby care, which we didn't need, so it seemed especially long. we'll see how this monday goes.
oh! we've also got a photoshoot on monday. i'm crossing my fingers that alan will be tolerant of it all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

29 weeks, 4 days

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Glucose Test

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Results Are In

last thursday, i had a needle biopsy of two 4cm lumps on my thyroid. i was told the results would be in the next day, which they were.. but the nurse couldn't tell me what they were. the doctor wanted to speak to the pathologist, so i wouldn't know the results until monday. so here we are.. it turns out that there were abnormal, malignant cells present in the biopsy. i'll be going in to consult with the doctor on wednesday morning, to discuss the effect (if any) on my pregnancy, and whether surgery can be put off until after the baby is delivered. 

i felt much better that we had an ultrasound today, and emmylou is perfectly healthy. they checked her thyroid and her heart- both looked good. i am 27 weeks and 5 days. emmylou is about 13.5 inches, and 2.9 lbs (big for her age!). she's got a big ol' noggin and big feet. i swear her face is the same shape as alan's. 

ultrasound tech: "there's her face, and her hand is next to it.. it appears that her foot is there as well.."
i started cracking up. we've got a little contortionist. then she started grabbing her feet, which the tech took a photo of for us.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dream Dream Dream

i've been listening to my ipod on shuffle lately, and have stumbled across a few songs i hadn't listened to in a while.
i've taken to singing this one to emmy

tomorrow is a big day- we get another ultrasound! it's been several months since the last one, and i've been so anxious to see how she's changed. it'd be nice to confirm that she is indeed a she, too..
we'll be getting the results from the thyroid biopsy i had on thursday, too. i'm not too nervous about it, i just want to know what's going on!
if the weather is nice, we'll be heading to the beach. i have my fingers and toes crossed for that one. and at night we're going to a show. i'm excited for that, we've only been to one show together, and this time we're seeing a band that alan likes. 

Friday, March 4, 2011

this year, my birthday fell on a tuesday. we held off celebrating until wednesday and friday. my brother, his lady, alan and i went to a lucero/robert ellis and the boys show on wednesday the 23rd, and my parents took alan and me out to dinner and then to see the final radio music theater show on friday the 25th. they also gave me a panasonic hdc-sdx1 video camera. i'm in love with it! as a child, i was embarrassed by mom constantly having the camera in everyone's face, blinding us with the flash. or dad having the giant, vhs-compatible video camera perched on his shoulder at our birthday parties. i swore i would never embarrass my children in such a way. and here i am, in love with this video camera, imagining all of the moments i will be able to capture.. but why wait til emmy is here? i've already started taping things.. you know, to get used to the camera..
i took some video of alan tattooing a friend the other day, but at least i tried to be a little sneaky about it so the guys at the shop wouldn't tease him. and i'll have to get some video on move-in day at our new apartment. maybe someday emmy will actually enjoy all of this, i love stumbling upon photos and videos from my parent's lives before my brother and i were around, or were too young to remember. seeing their little quirks that haven't changed, or moments where i see a lot of me in them.