Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dear Emmylou

Oh Emmylou,
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've really written to you. The last few weeks have been so busy. I started working again- at Starbucks, so your daddy and I will have insurance come February. I'm working close to 40 hours there, and am in class 17 hours, and have homework and laundry and grocery shopping on top of it all. And not nearly enough time with you.
So here's your 5 month update:

You caught your feet! And you can put them in your mouth. It's adorable. You can sit pretty well, and are starting to crawl backwards. Everything you get your hands on goes in your mouth. You're still squealing and growling, and making farty sounds. In the mornings when you're ready to be awake, and I'm trying to hold on to a few more minutes of sleep, you start kicking me and making fart sounds and giggling. It's play time. At night, you sleep in your crib and you're not waking up every two hours now. I'm so sorry a real sleep schedule was impossible to get started until recently. It's still difficult since sometimes I have to pick dad up late and then pick you up from Leela's. Despite that, you are the happiest little girl. People constantly comment on your pleasant disposition and willingness to be held by anyone and everyone- except your Uncle Rowdy. For some reason, you are not his biggest fan. Perhaps it just wasn't an Uncle Rowdy kind of day.

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