Wednesday, March 28, 2012

10 Months!

Woot! You're almost one Emmylou! This morning you took some steps unassisted. You have done it a couple of times before, but it was the first time your daddy got to see it. He got SO excited, it was adorable. I made you some homemade formula for the first time the other day, and am relieved to announce you loved it, and it didn't cause any tummy troubles like powder formula did. Plus, it was easy to make. I wonder if I could make this stuff for other people's babies? It has really helped me feel less stressed about pumping enough for you, and it's going to make weaning a bit easier when the time comes for the radioactive iodine treatments.
During your 9th month you sprouted 4 teeth- two on top, two on bottom. front and center.
Random cute story from this morning: You were cruising around our bedroom and saw daddy, so you rushed over to him (letting go of the bed in the process, first time he's seen you take steps without holding on!) and he picked you up and gave you kisses. After a minute, you started fussing and kicking like you wanted to be put down, but once on the floor you started crying. He picked you up and you still cried, so he handed you to me. You kept fussing, and reaching for him, but when I handed you back, you reached for me. So daddy and I both held/hugged you and suddenly everything was right in your world. Precious.

Oh, also daddy got a job at a tattoo shop near our house, so in the next week there won't be any more daily drives out to Clear Lake!! I am nervous and excited. This will be the first tattoo shop change he's ever made.


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