It's been 6 months since I had surgery to remove my thyroid, and the massive tumor that had formed. Soon after, I discussed the next steps with my doctor. He determined that, under close watch, it should be safe to hold off radiation treatments for a few months so I could nurse Emmylou. I hated that I wouldn't be able to nurse her as long as I wanted to, but have tried to be thankful that I was able to at all. Time passed, and it started to feel like the end to nursing wasn't really going to come, like maybe I didn't need any further treatment. Then, two weeks ago I got approved for the funding I needed to afford the treatments. It has all surfaced again, and I am just not ready. I had no idea I would enjoy that time with my daughter so much. More importantly, Emmylou is not ready. Nursing soothes her when nothing else does. Weaning her at this point just seems like a bad idea- we are not ready, and no one likes to be forced to do something.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Dear Emmylou
Dear Emmylou,
You are army crawling all over the place, and powering through any food placed in front of you. You're getting the pincer grip down, can say "Hi" and you've got the cutest wave. Lately you've been even more of a mommy's girl- I guess you miss me since I'm at work all the time. But you love anyone who talks to you, and especially other kiddos.
For the holidays, Leela and I took you to visit Santa at the Galleria. You LOVED him. It must have been the beard. You happily sat on his lap, then almost fell over trying to get a good look at him. You loved the Christmas tree and lights at Leela and Papi's house, and had fun ripping paper and then crawling through the mess on the floor.
You are army crawling all over the place, and powering through any food placed in front of you. You're getting the pincer grip down, can say "Hi" and you've got the cutest wave. Lately you've been even more of a mommy's girl- I guess you miss me since I'm at work all the time. But you love anyone who talks to you, and especially other kiddos.
For the holidays, Leela and I took you to visit Santa at the Galleria. You LOVED him. It must have been the beard. You happily sat on his lap, then almost fell over trying to get a good look at him. You loved the Christmas tree and lights at Leela and Papi's house, and had fun ripping paper and then crawling through the mess on the floor.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Nap Time Sunday
I have found it so difficult to photograph life. I frequently pause and wish I had the camera or was video taping, but doing so would ruin the moment I want to capture. Sunday I had one of those. You woke up from a nap in Leela's bed, definitely before it was time to wake up. We both laid down with you and sang and played a little. Leela left a few minutes later, and you turned on your side, facing me. You lightly held on to a piece of my hair, and fell asleep. It was such a sweet moment that I know I will hold on to forever. If only there were photos to show it, I know I can't do it justice with words. I hope that I few months from now, a few years from now, I can remember it as vividly as I do today. The sweet smell of Leela's room- totally separate from the rest of the house. The way you went from playful to sleeping in one minute. The way your lips pout when you're asleep, and your slight snoring. And especially the way you reached out for a lock of my hair just before you fell asleep- over one finger, under the middle one, and over another.
Dear Emmylou
Oh Emmylou,
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've really written to you. The last few weeks have been so busy. I started working again- at Starbucks, so your daddy and I will have insurance come February. I'm working close to 40 hours there, and am in class 17 hours, and have homework and laundry and grocery shopping on top of it all. And not nearly enough time with you.
So here's your 5 month update:
You caught your feet! And you can put them in your mouth. It's adorable. You can sit pretty well, and are starting to crawl backwards. Everything you get your hands on goes in your mouth. You're still squealing and growling, and making farty sounds. In the mornings when you're ready to be awake, and I'm trying to hold on to a few more minutes of sleep, you start kicking me and making fart sounds and giggling. It's play time. At night, you sleep in your crib and you're not waking up every two hours now. I'm so sorry a real sleep schedule was impossible to get started until recently. It's still difficult since sometimes I have to pick dad up late and then pick you up from Leela's. Despite that, you are the happiest little girl. People constantly comment on your pleasant disposition and willingness to be held by anyone and everyone- except your Uncle Rowdy. For some reason, you are not his biggest fan. Perhaps it just wasn't an Uncle Rowdy kind of day.
I'm sorry it has been so long since I've really written to you. The last few weeks have been so busy. I started working again- at Starbucks, so your daddy and I will have insurance come February. I'm working close to 40 hours there, and am in class 17 hours, and have homework and laundry and grocery shopping on top of it all. And not nearly enough time with you.
So here's your 5 month update:
You caught your feet! And you can put them in your mouth. It's adorable. You can sit pretty well, and are starting to crawl backwards. Everything you get your hands on goes in your mouth. You're still squealing and growling, and making farty sounds. In the mornings when you're ready to be awake, and I'm trying to hold on to a few more minutes of sleep, you start kicking me and making fart sounds and giggling. It's play time. At night, you sleep in your crib and you're not waking up every two hours now. I'm so sorry a real sleep schedule was impossible to get started until recently. It's still difficult since sometimes I have to pick dad up late and then pick you up from Leela's. Despite that, you are the happiest little girl. People constantly comment on your pleasant disposition and willingness to be held by anyone and everyone- except your Uncle Rowdy. For some reason, you are not his biggest fan. Perhaps it just wasn't an Uncle Rowdy kind of day.
4 Month Check Up
Emmylou went to the doctor today for her 4 month check-up. She weighs 17 pounds, 7 ounces and is 25.5 inches long.
Over the last month she has started making some interesting new noises. High-pitched squeals and low growls are her specialty.
Over the last month she has started making some interesting new noises. High-pitched squeals and low growls are her specialty.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
September 8th
I started school again last week, and am loving it. I don't particularly like being away from my little sweetheart, but it is good for us to have some time away from each other. (This totally sounds like I'm breaking up with someone- ha). Since she was born, she has pretty much been attached at my hip. Her Leelee has given me breaks to run errands, pick Alan up from work, and even go out for a date. Now, Alan is taking off two consecutive days each week while I'm in class to watch Emmylou. Great daddy time! Hopefully this will help him become a really involved father. I'm excited for him to be able to spend quality time with her, without me. While I feel the urge to leave notes like "if she won't settle down, a bath might help.. or if she's stinky from spitting up on herself several times this AM already, a bath might help there too" or "if she's screaming in her crib, she isn't sleeping" and "don't forget vitamins in her bottle" and "burp halfway through bottle"... but have refrained from doing this so far. That doesn't mean I don't leave less subtle reminders like placing her vitamins next to the bottle (they still didn't get put in..).
Her hair has really filled out. She loves grabbing her hands and shoving both of them in her mouth. She also realized she can grab her shirt and chew on it. She can do the same thing with her washcloth at bath time. She is a talking machine! No words, but I swear she mimics sounds- the dog barking, noises that we make, etc. She's about 25 inches long, and around 16.5 pounds. Getting close to 4 months old! I can't even believe it.. my baby girl is growing up so fast. I've said that since before she was born, but she just won't slow it down!
Her hair has really filled out. She loves grabbing her hands and shoving both of them in her mouth. She also realized she can grab her shirt and chew on it. She can do the same thing with her washcloth at bath time. She is a talking machine! No words, but I swear she mimics sounds- the dog barking, noises that we make, etc. She's about 25 inches long, and around 16.5 pounds. Getting close to 4 months old! I can't even believe it.. my baby girl is growing up so fast. I've said that since before she was born, but she just won't slow it down!
Monday, August 29, 2011
3 Months
My little cutie patootie is 3 months old. That sounds so big.. 12 weeks sounds smaller.
Here's a look at the past month:
Emmylou grabbed a toy for the first time on July 20th
She can make spit/milk bubbles
I've seen her do that thing I do with my mouth (how do I spell it out?) twice. I don't think she really realizes she can do it yet.
She can put herself to sleep.. who knows how long she's been able to do that, but recently we've been putting that skill to use. She takes naps in her crib, and sometimes sleeps in it at night. She usually wakes up around 4 or 5 AM, at which point I feed her and bring her to bed with Alan and me.
Emmylou absolutely loves her jumpers- Leelee and Papi have one, and Alan and I have one. Last week, she discovered how to really jump.
She's becoming very talkative- adding new coos and goos to her baby vocabulary every day.
I can hardly keep up with all her changes, but am trying to do a decent job of documenting. I have so many things to post, and will date them to keep track of when they actually happened.
Here's a look at the past month:
Emmylou grabbed a toy for the first time on July 20th
She can make spit/milk bubbles
I've seen her do that thing I do with my mouth (how do I spell it out?) twice. I don't think she really realizes she can do it yet.
She can put herself to sleep.. who knows how long she's been able to do that, but recently we've been putting that skill to use. She takes naps in her crib, and sometimes sleeps in it at night. She usually wakes up around 4 or 5 AM, at which point I feed her and bring her to bed with Alan and me.
Emmylou absolutely loves her jumpers- Leelee and Papi have one, and Alan and I have one. Last week, she discovered how to really jump.
She's becoming very talkative- adding new coos and goos to her baby vocabulary every day.
I can hardly keep up with all her changes, but am trying to do a decent job of documenting. I have so many things to post, and will date them to keep track of when they actually happened.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First Real Tears, and Pool Time
Today, Emmylou cried her first real tears. Of course she cries when she's hungry, sleepy, has a diaper in need of changing, etc. but her eyes have only watered some, with no tears actually coming out. Tonight a single tear ran down her cheek. Hungry, and I had just gotten home. I relieved my husband of his attempts at settling her, and there it was, the little tear that could! I know, not the most joyous of firsts, but still a first.
Emmylou in the pool recently

Emmylou in the pool recently

This was a different day- it was her first time in the pool. Hopefully I can figure out the dates for these photos.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
1 Year Anniversary
A year ago today I married a man I hardly knew. It tops my list of "crazy things I've done". 08/09/10 seemed like a day to do something special. Alan and I were hanging out, as we'd done every day since we met. We decided to go to the Galleria, but that turned out to be a terrible idea because of traffic, so we ended up at Schlotzsky's for pizza. We weren't sure what to do afterwards, but had agreed that 08/09/10 was a neat day, and something neat must take place. I suggested going swimming, he suggested getting married. I cooly agreed to his suggestion, and it turned into a bit of a game of chicken, which apparently neither of us was going to lose. Off to the courthouse we went, and an hour later we were married. A bit daring and crazy, a touch of romantic, and entirely a leap of faith.
Here's to forever,
Here's to forever,
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Natalie's Party, and 3 Month Update
Here I am, still in awe that Emmylou is finally here, when I realize she's almost 3 months old. She is growing by leaps and bounds. Today-- well, yesterday now, LeLe and I went to Babies R Us to look at a jumper, and Emmy started getting a bit fussy. I was carrying her, and she started reaching for LeLe to hold her. She's never reached for someone to hold her before! LeLe took her, and we went to change her diaper.. I picked her up afterwards, and she reached for LeLe again. So no, it wasn't a fluke the first time.. she figured out how to express what she wanted.
Also, she's really figuring out how to make rattles work. She hits the lion rattle that's attached to her car seat to make it jingle, and she's been playing with the attachments on her new jumper, and on her play mat. So proud of my little munchkin.
Also, she's really figuring out how to make rattles work. She hits the lion rattle that's attached to her car seat to make it jingle, and she's been playing with the attachments on her new jumper, and on her play mat. So proud of my little munchkin.
Emmylou attended her first party (well, other than her Sip 'n See)! A friend from middle school invited us to her 23rd birthday party on Friday night. It had been years since I last saw her- come to think of it, middle school may have been the last time I saw her.
Anyway, we had to dress up as something that starts with the letter "N", for Natalie's birthday. What a clever theme!
I dressed up as Night, scrambling for a last-minute costume. It wasn't until we arrived at the party that I realized I could have worn whatever I had on earlier and just been a "New mommy".. but I love dressing up.
(photo to come)
tights by Betsey Johnson, dress from American Apparel, earrings from Eden- a Houston boutique that is now closed :(, and vintage Gucci shoes
Emmy dressed up as a Newborn wearing a Nautical Navy little Number. Pretty good, huh? The birthday girl fell in love with her, and held her until we left the party. They looked so cute together!
Emmylou's romper is Janie and Jack, an excellent Good Will find. The top over it is also Janie and Jack, found at Kid to Kid, a children's resale store. The adorable socks are Trumpettes, given to her from Aunt Nedra and Adrian.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A few months ago I picked up this 1950's dresser from the sweetest old lady. She was selling most of her furniture so she could move into a smaller house- the last of her five children had long since moved out. Her youngest son helped get the dresser into my car. I couldn't believe it was his when he was a little boy- he was a large man, and looked to be in his 40's now. The dresser only needed some refinishing, but I wanted to add something new to it. I cut up some scrap booking papers I'd bought at Michael's and Mod Podged them in the drawers and cabinet. I added a mirror to the cabinet door. It will be her future costume closet. Here and there are scribbled notes or cut-out images for Emmylou to find when she's older.
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong somewhere close to me
Far away from your trouble and worry
You belong somewhere you feel free
-Tom Petty
Friday, June 24, 2011
Surgery Today
for months, i've felt like this day was so far away. and then here it was. i got to the hospital at 7:30 am, and was having surgery a bit after 9 am. just before leaving the pre-op room, i was given a dose of something and was out before getting to the operating room. it was 11:15ish when i woke up in the recovery room. all i've heard about the surgery is that the tumor was larger than expected, and a few of my lymph nodes were also removed. mom is staying the night with me, but alan stayed with me for a few hours this afternoon. tomorrow morning i'll be released.. i still need to get the drain in my neck removed. hopefully the rest of my recovery goes well- i'm ready to get on with life.
i couldn't quite get that eye open while the anesthesia was wearing off.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Two Posts
I haven't had any time to write lately, unfortunately. There is so much to write about, but no time to do it. We haven't been getting much sleep and the days are really running together. During the first days home from the hospital, I couldn't tell day from night. I would wake up thinking I had left the light on in Emmylou's room, only to realize it was the sun shining through her curtains. Aside from that, I don't remember much of what we did that first week. I'm still getting used to breastfeeding. The first week and a half was rough! Emmylou may have ended up on formula if I hadn't read "Breastfeeding Made Simple: 7 Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers" by Nancy Mohrbacher and Kathleen Kendall-Tackett.
June 21st
My last day at Freebirds was May 26th, the day before Emmylou was born. On Tuesday the 24th, I told my manager not to put me on the schedule for the next week. I had a feeling that Emmy wasn't going to wait for her original June 1st due date to arrive. I guess it was mother's intuition or something! Anywho, I had planned on returning to Freebirds after I had the baby and continuing working until I had my thyroid surgery, and then looking for a new (and improved) job. It wasn't until the 26th that my manager informed me that my leaving to have the baby was considered a voluntary termination, but that I could re-apply there as soon as i felt ready to do so. It definitely wasn't a job worth re-applying for when I wanted to find a new job anyway. So, I've been able to have time off with Emmylou, which I am so thankful for. She's growing so fast, and I'd much rather spend time with her than at a job I don't particularly like. Now to get to the real point! One day, my mom and I were at Joann's Fabrics and stumbled across an ad.. a woman needed someone to sew appliques, etc. on children's clothes a few days a week. It sounded like a potentially good opportunity, so I called. It turned out to be everything I hoped! A job that allows me to work near/at home, and will teach me what I need to know about starting a business. I feel so lucky right now. A lovely little family, perfect job, and my goals finally seeming within reach. Now to get this surgery out of the way. Nervous.
PS: Alan turned 25 yesterday. Happy Birthday sweetness!
June 21st
My last day at Freebirds was May 26th, the day before Emmylou was born. On Tuesday the 24th, I told my manager not to put me on the schedule for the next week. I had a feeling that Emmy wasn't going to wait for her original June 1st due date to arrive. I guess it was mother's intuition or something! Anywho, I had planned on returning to Freebirds after I had the baby and continuing working until I had my thyroid surgery, and then looking for a new (and improved) job. It wasn't until the 26th that my manager informed me that my leaving to have the baby was considered a voluntary termination, but that I could re-apply there as soon as i felt ready to do so. It definitely wasn't a job worth re-applying for when I wanted to find a new job anyway. So, I've been able to have time off with Emmylou, which I am so thankful for. She's growing so fast, and I'd much rather spend time with her than at a job I don't particularly like. Now to get to the real point! One day, my mom and I were at Joann's Fabrics and stumbled across an ad.. a woman needed someone to sew appliques, etc. on children's clothes a few days a week. It sounded like a potentially good opportunity, so I called. It turned out to be everything I hoped! A job that allows me to work near/at home, and will teach me what I need to know about starting a business. I feel so lucky right now. A lovely little family, perfect job, and my goals finally seeming within reach. Now to get this surgery out of the way. Nervous.
PS: Alan turned 25 yesterday. Happy Birthday sweetness!
Friday, June 3, 2011
First Photoshoot
Yes, I made that there beautiful baby. Yesterday, she had her first portraits taken by Shannon, who has photographed my brother and I since we were in middle school. I still remember the first time she photographed us- she's something else! She captures moments that not many people are able to differentiate from any other moment, until the film is developed. This particular photo is just a peek at what's to come, taken from my phone. I am so fortunate that we know Shannon- it was so important to me to get professional photos of her at a week old. She will never be this way again. And photos taken by me with my phone or my digital camera just wouldn't capture that perfect newborn-ness. She's so dainty, small, and innocent. It amazes me that her thoughts and opinions about what she sees and experiences in her first years will be influenced by me. While I'll can't be certain how much my approach will affect her ideas about things, I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking about how I introduce her to the world around her.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Photos From the Past Few Days
photos from the hospital and coming home
your first diaper change.. your dad was surprised by the tar-poopy.. maybe if he'd listened in lamaze or read up on babies he'd be in the know
your first diaper change.. your dad was surprised by the tar-poopy.. maybe if he'd listened in lamaze or read up on babies he'd be in the know
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A little update
I love everything she does. I want a photo of every goofy face she makes, video of each funny gesture, recordings of all her little coos and mews (she really does sound like a kitten). Looking at her brings me and Alan to tears. She's got the whole family wrapped around her little finger. I think the two most used phrases in our house right now are "I love you so much" and "she's perfect". Life is good. Recovery has been a bit rough, but I know it just takes time to heal and establish routines. A good friend reminded me to enjoy every moment, even the sleepless nights, as they are fleeting and will soon be missed.
Taking it all in,
An adorable moment, with her yet-to-be-titled grandparent
Taking it all in,
An adorable moment, with her yet-to-be-titled grandparent
Woah, Baby!
Emmylou Elyse Yates Lindsey was born on Friday, May 27, 2011. She weighed 8 lbs, 6 oz and was 21" long. Moments after arriving at Target, I noticed my leggings were uncomfortably wet. What just happened? Was that my water breaking? Rushed to the restroom to double check, and eventually decided it was best to contact Dr. Patolia to get her opinion.
Lets rewind a bit.. On Thursday evening, I had started to have cramps that felt similar to the cramps I got when the doctor checked to see how dilated/effaced I was, which is what she said early labor would feel like. These cramps continued into Friday, but I was feeling productive and decided to ignore the discomfort. As usual, there were a million things on the to-do list that must get done. Having a baby suddenly topped that list.
When I called the doctor, she instructed me to go ahead to the hospital. I wanted to pick Alan up first (and was still doubting that I was in labor) and also pick up my hospital bag, but mom insisted we get to the hospital after retrieving the bag. So we sent dad to pick up Alan. That turned out to be a good idea, as my amniotic fluid began leaking everywhere, and it ended up taking two hours for Alan and dad to get to the hospital because of Memorial Day traffic. By the time they came, I was getting the epidural and had been started on pitocin. Uncle Chris, Shannon and their boys arrived at the same time. It was about 5pm, and time to sit and wait, and try to rest (and update Facebook). At 9:30, I was 9.5cm dilated and 100% effaced. 30 minutes later I started pushing, and at 10:35 pm Emmylou was born! The nurse had just opened the door to call a doctor down the hall to deliver the baby, but in rushed Dr. Patolia.
Alan and me, before Emmylou was born
Emmylou's first picture!
She couldn't be more perfect. It is unbelievable to me that she is mine, that she grew in me for nine months. I don't want to miss anything, she's changing so fast! We seem to have come so far from her being in my belly, and I do miss those days. I've already forgotten how inconvenient and heavy that belly was. I want time to stand still so I can spend forever in today. I'm so happy I have a camera and video camera to capture the most wonderful moments of my life: my little girl doing anything or nothing, my husband becoming a father, my parents becoming grandparents, my brother becoming uncle rowdy, and a love that knows no bounds.
Spilling over with love,
Lets rewind a bit.. On Thursday evening, I had started to have cramps that felt similar to the cramps I got when the doctor checked to see how dilated/effaced I was, which is what she said early labor would feel like. These cramps continued into Friday, but I was feeling productive and decided to ignore the discomfort. As usual, there were a million things on the to-do list that must get done. Having a baby suddenly topped that list.
When I called the doctor, she instructed me to go ahead to the hospital. I wanted to pick Alan up first (and was still doubting that I was in labor) and also pick up my hospital bag, but mom insisted we get to the hospital after retrieving the bag. So we sent dad to pick up Alan. That turned out to be a good idea, as my amniotic fluid began leaking everywhere, and it ended up taking two hours for Alan and dad to get to the hospital because of Memorial Day traffic. By the time they came, I was getting the epidural and had been started on pitocin. Uncle Chris, Shannon and their boys arrived at the same time. It was about 5pm, and time to sit and wait, and try to rest (and update Facebook). At 9:30, I was 9.5cm dilated and 100% effaced. 30 minutes later I started pushing, and at 10:35 pm Emmylou was born! The nurse had just opened the door to call a doctor down the hall to deliver the baby, but in rushed Dr. Patolia.
Alan and me, before Emmylou was born
She couldn't be more perfect. It is unbelievable to me that she is mine, that she grew in me for nine months. I don't want to miss anything, she's changing so fast! We seem to have come so far from her being in my belly, and I do miss those days. I've already forgotten how inconvenient and heavy that belly was. I want time to stand still so I can spend forever in today. I'm so happy I have a camera and video camera to capture the most wonderful moments of my life: my little girl doing anything or nothing, my husband becoming a father, my parents becoming grandparents, my brother becoming uncle rowdy, and a love that knows no bounds.
Spilling over with love,
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
i'm almost too tired to think of anything to write. i'm exhausted, but restless. as much as i want to sleep, there are also a million projects i want to take on. i've got a love that's about to burst if it doesn't get out. and her name is emmylou. everyone is waiting rather impatiently for your arrival, little miss. i never considered that the rest of the family and our friends would be as anxious as alan and i are.
as of yesterday, i am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. it's all up to emmylou now!
we got this adorable "baby's first book" by rag and bone at anthropologie the other day
i love our little family so much.
as of yesterday, i am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. it's all up to emmylou now!
we got this adorable "baby's first book" by rag and bone at anthropologie the other day
i love our little family so much.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May 17, 2011
alas, we had our final ultrasound today. emmylou is estimated to be 7 pounds, 11 ounces. she's measuring 38 weeks, 5 days. all day i was hoping that would mean that she'd come a few days early. it was a bit of a rough day. i couldn't get comfortable and wasn't feeling well at all. i think i took two baths.. and yes, my memory is that bad currently.
there are still a few things to get done before emmylou gets here
- make crib skirt
- get bumper in the mail
- another coat of paint on the crib
- make pillow
- make crib quilt
- make banner thingy for her room
- figure out changing table
- get changing pad
- hang art
- get trash can for diapers
- get bookshelves
- maybe make new ottoman
currently, i'm enjoying my little gal moving around in my tummy. watching her daddy play a video game. it's 1:15 am and we're awake "just because." while i don't know exactly how many days are left in my pregnancy, i know that they are limited. alan and i went on a walk together today and it's starting to feel so real that these are the last days for the rest of our lives that it will be just us. of course, we're both excited about this new chapter in our lives. and i need to remember to enjoy this time, too. despite my discomfort, i admit that i love the curve of my belly. it's so perfectly round. and while i don't like the swollen feet, i can't see them over my tummy anyway. i hate having to wait to see our little emmylou, but i love guessing whose features she's going to have. i'm starting to think that maybe i will miss being pregnant. at least a little bit. alan and i don't plan on having another babe for at least a few years, so i should enjoy it now while it's upon us. the best part is soon to come, but for now i will enjoy (and be in awe of) what my body has been doing these last 9 months.
there are still a few things to get done before emmylou gets here
- make crib skirt
- get bumper in the mail
- another coat of paint on the crib
- make pillow
- make crib quilt
- make banner thingy for her room
- figure out changing table
- get changing pad
- hang art
- get trash can for diapers
- get bookshelves
- maybe make new ottoman
currently, i'm enjoying my little gal moving around in my tummy. watching her daddy play a video game. it's 1:15 am and we're awake "just because." while i don't know exactly how many days are left in my pregnancy, i know that they are limited. alan and i went on a walk together today and it's starting to feel so real that these are the last days for the rest of our lives that it will be just us. of course, we're both excited about this new chapter in our lives. and i need to remember to enjoy this time, too. despite my discomfort, i admit that i love the curve of my belly. it's so perfectly round. and while i don't like the swollen feet, i can't see them over my tummy anyway. i hate having to wait to see our little emmylou, but i love guessing whose features she's going to have. i'm starting to think that maybe i will miss being pregnant. at least a little bit. alan and i don't plan on having another babe for at least a few years, so i should enjoy it now while it's upon us. the best part is soon to come, but for now i will enjoy (and be in awe of) what my body has been doing these last 9 months.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday, May 13th
oh, it's friday the 13th! hopefully today turns out to be a good one, i'm not too superstitious about friday the 13th though. classes are finally over, and my finals went well. i had my last class on wednesday and am finally feeling relieved. my nesting has kicked in pretty bad. mom and i have been furnishing the apartment, and are finally getting started on the baby room. we bought the fabric for your curtains yesterday, and i've started laying out the quilt that will hopefully be done by the time you get here. i've gotten some fabric to make you the cutest little dresses and rompers and hats.
i've been jumping between being impatient and ready for your arrival, and feeling unprepared and content being pregnant. i miss being comfortable, but i love knowing that you're safe in my belly. the hospital bag is almost full and your carseat is in the car but still needs to be installed. you finally have a mattress in your crib, but they need sheets. on tuesday the doctor said i was 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. next tuesday we're having our last ultrasound, which we can hardly wait for. one more look before you're out here, in our arms.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
It's May!
this could be the month that my little lou arrives. i'm so nervous about going into labor.. when is it going to happen? where will i be? will alan be with me, or 30 miles away at work? will it be in the middle of the night, or in the afternoon? having no control over this is truly inconvenient!
i am absolutely ready for her to be here, and not at all ready. i can't wait to snuggle her for the first time. and for the swelling in my feet to go away, to be able to see the stairs in front of me, and mostly to be able to get out of bed or the bath without any help. at the same time, i know these are the final weeks of a particular chapter in me and alan's life. we will no longer be our main concern, and we never will be again. how quickly life can change. in june i was lauren (that girl on a motorcycle). on the 9th of august, i married alan and we became lauren (that girl on a motorcycle) and alan (that guy on the back). in september, we found out we were expecting, and became lauren (no, not humpty dumpty) and alan (poor guy). in the next few weeks, we will become lauren (mom) and alan (dad) and emmylou (apple of our eye).
i'm laying in bed typing this. alan is sound asleep next to me, and my fingers hitting the keys is the only noise in the house. i suppose i should enjoy these nights where i'm awake at almost 2 am "just because". i should also enjoy those odd little movements in my belly.. i think i'll miss them when they're gone.
i am absolutely ready for her to be here, and not at all ready. i can't wait to snuggle her for the first time. and for the swelling in my feet to go away, to be able to see the stairs in front of me, and mostly to be able to get out of bed or the bath without any help. at the same time, i know these are the final weeks of a particular chapter in me and alan's life. we will no longer be our main concern, and we never will be again. how quickly life can change. in june i was lauren (that girl on a motorcycle). on the 9th of august, i married alan and we became lauren (that girl on a motorcycle) and alan (that guy on the back). in september, we found out we were expecting, and became lauren (no, not humpty dumpty) and alan (poor guy). in the next few weeks, we will become lauren (mom) and alan (dad) and emmylou (apple of our eye).
i'm laying in bed typing this. alan is sound asleep next to me, and my fingers hitting the keys is the only noise in the house. i suppose i should enjoy these nights where i'm awake at almost 2 am "just because". i should also enjoy those odd little movements in my belly.. i think i'll miss them when they're gone.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
lately, sundays have been called tuesday, mondays called friday, and i can't remember any days prior to the current one. oh emmylou (isn't your name lovely?), i'm so consumed with you.. and apparently the hormones also have something to do with this memory loss. there is far too much on my plate at the moment.. i've known for months this time was coming, i just didn't expect that it would ever actually get here. i've dreaded this month where i would be juggling finals, moving, and bringing you into the world. and here it is upon me! my practical cooking final is on thursday. the week after is the written final, and then there is one more week of class. alan and i may be staying our first night at the new place on thursday, or friday at the latest. tomorrow and wednesday i'm going to try to make the curtains for our living and dining rooms. i must be crazy- while typing this out i'm thinking "wow, that's really too much" and simultaneously hoping above all hopes that it will all come together in the end, and i won't be entirely worn out.. of course, it's too late to hope for that last part. standing for 8 hours, 3 days a week is becoming more and more impossible. even after typing this out, and really considering everything i've written, i want to try. just a few more weeks of pushing my bounds. it feels good to be so motivated. i'm starting to see a determination in myself that i've always admired in my mother.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
34 weeks

not looking my best, i'm tired after a long day. today marks 34 weeks, and i cannot express how ready i am for you to be here, emmylou! yesterday you moved constantly from 11:15 am to 5:40 in the afternoon. i started throwing up at work, and decided that class was not the best idea. alan and i went to target and bought some travel-size toiletries to pack in the hospital bag.
another big thing happened today- i signed the lease for our new place. alan doesn't know it yet, but mom and i are setting up all the furniture and surprising him in a few days. there is so much going on! moving, finals, and your due date is approaching quickly.
i think this is going to be the outfit you come home from the hospital in
Monday, April 18, 2011
Last Day of Lamaze
as the title suggests, today was our 6th and final lamaze class. i think alan and i did take something away from the class.. i'm at least less freaked out about being scared about birth. i've got a much better understanding of how everything happens and what's going on (thanks, texas education, for not teaching us anything about things that will likely occur in our lives), and am more comfortable knowing that there are plenty of other women who are just as scared of going through labor. although i was the only one that cried when we saw a video of an epidural being administered. i'm slightly less scared, now that i know WHAT is going to happen. honestly, i had no idea prior to those classes. in just a few more weeks, it's going to happen. and i'm still terrified. also, officially nesting.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
33 Weeks
i'll be 33 weeks tomorrow, which means 7 more to go. emmylou, we absolutely cannot wait to meet you. we're so in love already, and you have no idea how spoiled you are. sometime last week i really outgrew all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. i gained 5 pounds over the last 2 weeks, i am now 128 lbs.
in class today, photo by roger
there are so many things to do before you get here, and i am so excited for your arrival.. but at the same time i am terrified. giving birth is something i've been afraid of for as long as i can remember. i don't know what i'm more scared of; the needle that comes with the epidural, or the actual birth. i have no idea what this is going to feel like, but i know it isn't going to be pleasant. i think one of the happiest moments of my life will be when you are placed on my chest after being born. but the moments and hours leading up to that may be some of the most painful i will ever experience. my body will do things that i have absolutely no control over. i hope alan will be the support that i need most during that time. he's constantly playing around, and this is one time i know i won't be in the mood for it. i know i shouldn't be worrying about that, he will be great. now to keep my mind off of the inevitable yet unkown things that are to come.
in class today, photo by roger
there are so many things to do before you get here, and i am so excited for your arrival.. but at the same time i am terrified. giving birth is something i've been afraid of for as long as i can remember. i don't know what i'm more scared of; the needle that comes with the epidural, or the actual birth. i have no idea what this is going to feel like, but i know it isn't going to be pleasant. i think one of the happiest moments of my life will be when you are placed on my chest after being born. but the moments and hours leading up to that may be some of the most painful i will ever experience. my body will do things that i have absolutely no control over. i hope alan will be the support that i need most during that time. he's constantly playing around, and this is one time i know i won't be in the mood for it. i know i shouldn't be worrying about that, he will be great. now to keep my mind off of the inevitable yet unkown things that are to come.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Lovely Monday
today couldn't have been much better. alan and i have been taking monday's off together, and the last couple of weeks we've fulfilled obligations, and tried to have some fun, too. i've been promising him a monday where my never-ending checklist would be put aside and it would just be him and me, and me and him. and the kite that's been sitting in my car since i got it three weeks ago.
we slept in. we had cinnamon rolls. then went to the beach and flew our kite, had lunch at ihop, and came home to e-mail our lamaze instructor that we wouldn't be able to make it to class tonight.. and went to the movies. we saw source code and insidious.
monday is the popular day to hate. for alan and me, and the millions of other people who don't always get saturday and sunday off, monday isn't so bad. we chose to have mondays off together so we could avoid any crowds, and because we always get our request approved. if we'd asked for friday, saturday, or sunday, there would likely be several other requests put in for that same day. i love you monday, even if no one else does.
we slept in. we had cinnamon rolls. then went to the beach and flew our kite, had lunch at ihop, and came home to e-mail our lamaze instructor that we wouldn't be able to make it to class tonight.. and went to the movies. we saw source code and insidious.
monday is the popular day to hate. for alan and me, and the millions of other people who don't always get saturday and sunday off, monday isn't so bad. we chose to have mondays off together so we could avoid any crowds, and because we always get our request approved. if we'd asked for friday, saturday, or sunday, there would likely be several other requests put in for that same day. i love you monday, even if no one else does.
Friday, March 25, 2011
we've come a long way, baby
30 weeks and 2 days already! time started flying once i was over the morning sickness. 10 short weeks until i get to meet the little girl who already takes my breath away, physically and mentally.
we will be moving in just a few weeks. i've gone crazy doing as much space planning as possible, with mom's help of course. i want to surprise alan by having all of our things unpacked and ready the day we move in. and emmylou, your room is coming together already. your crib got its final coat of yellow paint today, a kartell gnome sidetable is on its way, and your dresser is being refinished. there are still so many things to be done, but a list has been made and things WILL get crossed off!
in other news, we've found a new ob/gyn. i had my first appointment two weeks ago, and am feeling so much better. unfortunately, alan wasn't able to come to the appointment, but mom came along and also felt better about the new doctor. our next appointment is on monday, and alan will be there. we started lamaze on the 14th. from the two classes we've been to, here's how we're enjoying it so far:
the class is from 7-9:30. that's a long class, but we'd be okay with that if we were learning lots during that time. so far, that hasn't been the case. people love telling stories of their lives in extreme detail, and it ends up taking more than an hour of classtime. perhaps i'm judging too quickly, there have only been two classes. and the first class was about baby care, which we didn't need, so it seemed especially long. we'll see how this monday goes.
oh! we've also got a photoshoot on monday. i'm crossing my fingers that alan will be tolerant of it all.
we will be moving in just a few weeks. i've gone crazy doing as much space planning as possible, with mom's help of course. i want to surprise alan by having all of our things unpacked and ready the day we move in. and emmylou, your room is coming together already. your crib got its final coat of yellow paint today, a kartell gnome sidetable is on its way, and your dresser is being refinished. there are still so many things to be done, but a list has been made and things WILL get crossed off!
in other news, we've found a new ob/gyn. i had my first appointment two weeks ago, and am feeling so much better. unfortunately, alan wasn't able to come to the appointment, but mom came along and also felt better about the new doctor. our next appointment is on monday, and alan will be there. we started lamaze on the 14th. from the two classes we've been to, here's how we're enjoying it so far:
the class is from 7-9:30. that's a long class, but we'd be okay with that if we were learning lots during that time. so far, that hasn't been the case. people love telling stories of their lives in extreme detail, and it ends up taking more than an hour of classtime. perhaps i'm judging too quickly, there have only been two classes. and the first class was about baby care, which we didn't need, so it seemed especially long. we'll see how this monday goes.
oh! we've also got a photoshoot on monday. i'm crossing my fingers that alan will be tolerant of it all.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Results Are In
last thursday, i had a needle biopsy of two 4cm lumps on my thyroid. i was told the results would be in the next day, which they were.. but the nurse couldn't tell me what they were. the doctor wanted to speak to the pathologist, so i wouldn't know the results until monday. so here we are.. it turns out that there were abnormal, malignant cells present in the biopsy. i'll be going in to consult with the doctor on wednesday morning, to discuss the effect (if any) on my pregnancy, and whether surgery can be put off until after the baby is delivered.
i felt much better that we had an ultrasound today, and emmylou is perfectly healthy. they checked her thyroid and her heart- both looked good. i am 27 weeks and 5 days. emmylou is about 13.5 inches, and 2.9 lbs (big for her age!). she's got a big ol' noggin and big feet. i swear her face is the same shape as alan's.
ultrasound tech: "there's her face, and her hand is next to it.. it appears that her foot is there as well.."
i started cracking up. we've got a little contortionist. then she started grabbing her feet, which the tech took a photo of for us.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Dream Dream Dream
i've been listening to my ipod on shuffle lately, and have stumbled across a few songs i hadn't listened to in a while.
i've taken to singing this one to emmy
tomorrow is a big day- we get another ultrasound! it's been several months since the last one, and i've been so anxious to see how she's changed. it'd be nice to confirm that she is indeed a she, too..
we'll be getting the results from the thyroid biopsy i had on thursday, too. i'm not too nervous about it, i just want to know what's going on!
if the weather is nice, we'll be heading to the beach. i have my fingers and toes crossed for that one. and at night we're going to a show. i'm excited for that, we've only been to one show together, and this time we're seeing a band that alan likes.
i've taken to singing this one to emmy
tomorrow is a big day- we get another ultrasound! it's been several months since the last one, and i've been so anxious to see how she's changed. it'd be nice to confirm that she is indeed a she, too..
we'll be getting the results from the thyroid biopsy i had on thursday, too. i'm not too nervous about it, i just want to know what's going on!
if the weather is nice, we'll be heading to the beach. i have my fingers and toes crossed for that one. and at night we're going to a show. i'm excited for that, we've only been to one show together, and this time we're seeing a band that alan likes.
Friday, March 4, 2011
this year, my birthday fell on a tuesday. we held off celebrating until wednesday and friday. my brother, his lady, alan and i went to a lucero/robert ellis and the boys show on wednesday the 23rd, and my parents took alan and me out to dinner and then to see the final radio music theater show on friday the 25th. they also gave me a panasonic hdc-sdx1 video camera. i'm in love with it! as a child, i was embarrassed by mom constantly having the camera in everyone's face, blinding us with the flash. or dad having the giant, vhs-compatible video camera perched on his shoulder at our birthday parties. i swore i would never embarrass my children in such a way. and here i am, in love with this video camera, imagining all of the moments i will be able to capture.. but why wait til emmy is here? i've already started taping things.. you know, to get used to the camera..
i took some video of alan tattooing a friend the other day, but at least i tried to be a little sneaky about it so the guys at the shop wouldn't tease him. and i'll have to get some video on move-in day at our new apartment. maybe someday emmy will actually enjoy all of this, i love stumbling upon photos and videos from my parent's lives before my brother and i were around, or were too young to remember. seeing their little quirks that haven't changed, or moments where i see a lot of me in them.
i took some video of alan tattooing a friend the other day, but at least i tried to be a little sneaky about it so the guys at the shop wouldn't tease him. and i'll have to get some video on move-in day at our new apartment. maybe someday emmy will actually enjoy all of this, i love stumbling upon photos and videos from my parent's lives before my brother and i were around, or were too young to remember. seeing their little quirks that haven't changed, or moments where i see a lot of me in them.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
It's Official!

Well, it was already official since we got married in August, but now I have a ring, and just changed my last name to Lindsey. Now to change it at the bank, on my driver's license, and at work..
Houston is finally getting sunshiney and I can stop hibernating. Time to dig through my closet and see what spring/summer clothes still fit. I'm a bit bored of wearing Alan's shirts all the time. I want to wear something pretty! Also, now that my belly is showing, people are starting to stare. They can't figure out if I'm pregnant, so they consult the friends their out with and then all of them turn and look. They could really be a bit more discreet about it. Wearing more belly-flattering tops may do the trick.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
24 Weeks
Finally, a better photo, taken by mom on Saturday the 5th
I hope more of that beautiful weather is on it's way. I'm craving a sunny, beachy getaway. I wonder how upset my doctor would be if we decided to go on some tropical islandy getaway? I mean, it's not like I'm due for a few more months anyway..
I hope more of that beautiful weather is on it's way. I'm craving a sunny, beachy getaway. I wonder how upset my doctor would be if we decided to go on some tropical islandy getaway? I mean, it's not like I'm due for a few more months anyway..
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sing a Little Sunshine Song
It's a less than lovely day in Houston, but I'm feeling sunshiney. The last few days I've been so grumpy, I want to warn people everywhere i go to run! Run, my poor husband, I'm about to snap at you when you haven't done anything. Run, mom! I'm going to vent for a minimum of 15 minutes about something minor. But the thundercloud has passed, and today I'm feeling just peachy. Just a little update- no time to really write, I to get cleaning.. it should look like I've been somewhat productive since Alan's been at work..
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
What Cuties
Happy February everyone! I can't believe it's already here. One month closer to meeting Emmylou, and my birth month!
These two photos are of Alan, but we're not sure how old he is. What a cutie pie! The third photo is of me at 6 months. I can see me and Alan trying to pick out whose features Emmylou has.
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